Saturday 20 July 2013

4 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Study

With passion, we can do wonders. But there are times when we just feel down, feel upset or feel disappointed. This may be due to some setbacks in work or life, or we just simply wake up in the morning feeling lousy. Thus, being able to motivate ourselves is very important.

There are many ways to motivate ourselves and here are some ways I use to motivate myself.

Dream of your future

Since primary 4 (the year when we were exposed to the topic electricity), I have been dreaming to have a job which allows me to play with wires, light bulbs and electricity. I did not know what that job was called but I remember spending my pocket money to buy the components (wires, batteries etc) as my toys, even if it means skipping meals. Since then, I love anything to do with Mathematics and Physics. Whenever I faced problems with these subjects, I will remind myself of this little dream of mine, so as to push myself on. This gives me extra horsepower to push forward!

Treat yourself

samuel buys ipod and cd player to reward himself

Celebrate little achievement. Ask my family, I am a thrifty person. Yet when I buy things to treat myself, I buy big items. I bought an iPod after getting my A Levels results. I bought a CD player after getting my NUS 2nd semester results. These are treats for myself, to recognise myself for my hard work. After every common test or smaller scale examination, I will withdraw $10 and spend it all, on anything I want to eat or just little toys to play with. Remember, you work hard, you deserve the treats!

Scare yourself, set higher target

Boo! It's all about the normal distribution, or more commonly known, the bell curve. No need to study too hard. Just score one points more than your friends and you will pass or even score A! Nothing wrong with these statements. But how would you know your friend's score? And most importantly, how would you know which topic is going to appear in the questions so that you can focus on that topic?
Just study hard and understand the topics. I always make sure I understand at least 85% of the whole course (I never seem to understand the last one or two chapters as they are usually taught late and I am in no mood to absorb new stuff). Why 85%? Because I am giving myself some leeway to make careless mistakes! Let's just assume that at least 75% is needed to score a reasonable grade.

Stay confident

When you are confident (not arrogant), you are motivated to push yourself further.
One way to be confident is to talk to yourself. I will tell myself that I cannot waste time. I must be the best. I am not the best yet but I am near. Just work a little more. This will push me further.
Just be careful here. Everyone is unique and is best at his own way. Do not be arrogant and put down others just to feel confident yourself. Such people are disgusting and do not fall into this category. To each his own, focus on yourself, not others.

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